Maple DAO Transaction Request - LBP Launch

Maple DAO - Transaction Request

Proposer: Maple DAO

Ethereum Address: TBD

Request Date: 22 April 2021

Transaction Overview:

Maple DAO hereby requests 500,000MPL and 850,000USDC to be deposited into Maple’s Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) for the purpose of a public sale of MPL tokens. As disclosed to all investors and communicated publicly, 5% of Maple’s total token supply is set aside for a Public Sale that will enable broader access to MPL. Two transactions will be loaded in Maple’s Gnosis Safe Multisig for approval, one for transfer of MPL and another for transfer of USDC. The LBP will be established closer to the commencement date of the Public Sale and the Ethereum address will be known and communicated to Maple’s Council at that time.

Maple’s LBP is due to kick off at 4:30pm EST on Wednesday, 28 April 2021 and will run for a period of 72 hours. At the end of this period all USDC raised including the initial deposit amount and any remaining MPL in the pool will be returned to Maple DAO’s multisig wallet. It is expected that the LBP should raise between 5mUSDC and 7.5mUSDC.

Approvals Required:

Maple’s Council governance will require that four (4) of the six (6) Authorised Members approve this Transaction Request in order for the transaction to be executed.